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2020-08-14 来源: 松松手游 作者:喵喵喵








Fake faces hiding everywhere

Made up makeup made up stares

To hide their stolen air

Don't look too close don't you dare

Stupid seems to be in the air in my air everywhere

Blameless I'll shatter through the glare

Make it take it they won't share

I can't fake it

I'll just make it on my own on my own

I can't blame them

I'll just maim them on my throne on my throne

I can't fake it

I'll just make it on my own on my own

I can't blame them

I've just got to get to my throne

I am the latest colors I sing the newest songs

I read all the lyrics so I can sing along

I am the latest colors I stand above my throne

Waiting for an invite to never come along

I am the latest colors I sing the newest songs

I read all the lyrics so I can sing along

I am the latest colors I hate the newest songs

I can't stand the lyrics I'd never sing along

I'll never sing along

I'll never sing along

I'll never sing along

Trade places staggered truth or dare

Only ask it if you care

Trace back to all the millionaires

Snake oil traders no one shares

Soulless and stealing what they dare

Hold your deck to your chest

Faceless nobody is your friend

Make it take it they won't share

I can't fake it

I'll just make it on my own on my own

I can't blame them

I'll just maim them on my throne on my throne

I can't fake it

I'll just make it on my own on my own

I can't blame them

I've just got to get to my throne

I am the latest colors I sing the newest songs

I read all the lyrics so I can sing along

I am the latest colors I hate the newest songs

I can't stand the lyrics I'd never sing along

I'll never sing along

I'll never sing along

I'll never sing along

I'll never sing along

I'll never sing along

On my own

On my throne

On my own

Get to my throne

I am the latest colors I sing the newest songs

I read all the lyrics so I can sing along

I am the latest colors I stand above my throne

Waiting for an invite to never come along

I am the latest colors I sing the newest songs

I read all the lyrics so I can sing along

I am the latest colors I hate the newest songs

I can't stand the lyrics I'd never sing along

I'll never sing along

I can't fake it

I'll just make it on my own

I'll never sing along

I can't blame them

I'll just maim them on my throne

I'll never sing along

I can't fake it

I'll just make it on my own

I'll never sing along

I can't blame them

I've just got to get to my throne

Get to my throne


猝不及防:明月幽幽,月光如绸 偶然间,接了个电话,他愣住了 是他心心念念的她 三年暗恋,他暗自追逐着的她 "喂。"她清灵的声音回荡 他淡笑道"我在。" 再次听到她略带犹豫的声音 "我在玩一个游戏 你可以听我说一句话吗" 男孩心里暖暖的 "好。" "我…喜欢你。" 男孩心里荡起了阵阵涟漪 随后他听到了她身边 有嬉笑的声音 他有些苦涩的笑着 轻声说道:"选的是大冒险吧" 男孩心中泛酸,摇了摇头 似乎已经知道了答案 然而,出乎他意料的是 她笑出了声,像银铃一样 离开了嘈杂的人群 "我选的,是真心话。"

消炎.:我的世界摇摇晃晃 我的灵魂飘飘荡荡 我的每步跌跌撞撞。 白天是开心的废物 晚上是抑郁的怪物。








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